Monday, April 30, 2018

Alicia's Birth Stories

December 8th 2008 was the day I found out I was pregnant with my first born and the day. I lost someone I loved. I was all of 19 years of age and was still trying to figure out my own life. And now I had to figure out how my life was going to go on without my father in law and with a new born child. My pregnancy was pretty smooth for the most part. I had placenta Previa but it wasn’t anything that I worried about. I prepared myself during my whole pregnancy to have a C- section. On July 16 th 2009, I went in for a regular doctor’s appointment. I had just reached 36 weeks and was excited to check on my little man, Philip Nathaniel Scott. My Doctor had scheduled me to have my C-Section on July 28 th , my father in laws birthday So I was pretty calm during my appointment.. In the first half of my appointment the doctor told me that my placenta had moved out the way so I was able to have a vaginal birth. But my nerves started to kick in during the second half of my appointment. I was laying down during my stress test and little man didn’t want to move. Now Daniel had just went down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. So I was completely freaking out. My doctor decided to take me to Labor and Delivery to do a more thorough check on Philip. At this time Daniel and I had only one cell phones and you so I know it was all God when I saw Daniel walking up at the same time I was being rolled into labor and delivery. While I was laying there being checked on, Daniel was calling his and mine mom to give them updates. Thank God they both worked right down the street. Because the next thing I know we’re being told that we were having a baby that night. My mom and mother in law immediately went to get us baby items (our baby shower was the next day), Turns out I ended up have a C-section anyways. While I was getting prepped for surgery Daniel changed little man’s name from Philip Nathaniel Scott to Philip Daniel Scott JR (I really wanted a JR). And at 8:46 pm Philip Daniel Scott Jr was born weighing 6lbs 3oz and 21 inches long.

My second pregnancy was a so much different than my first. Not only because I had gestational diabetes but also, I was having a GIRL!! Other than having to check my sugar levels before I ate and after, my pregnancy was nothing but smooth sailing. My doctor told me that I was eligible to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section) because I waited the allotted time. Daniel and I already agreed on the name Koda Denise Scott for our daughter. Our mothers were both so ecstatic because both their names are Denise. During my whole pregnancy my mother in law kept praying that I would have Koda on her birthday. I had reached 38 weeks before I started getting a little anxious for the Princess’ arrival. So the night of September 29 th 2012 at around 10pm I took a spoonful of Castor Oil hoping to put myself in labor. Now I don’t know if it was the castor oil or my mother in laws prayers but at midnight on September 30 th 2012 my water broke and I went in to labor. I was home alone with Dj when it happened and I remember calling my mother in law and very calmly telling her my water had broken. My next call was to my mother who lived right down the street from us (I still don’t know why I didn’t call her first) before I could finish my sentence her and my father were out the door on their way to me. Daniel was about an hour and half away from home doing a gig and he made home in about 45 mins (I’m pretty sure he broke a lot of laws getting back to me). We all got to the hospital and I was taken straight to a room. My water broke completely at about 2am but it wasn’t until about 1pm that the real pain started to kick in. I made it all the way until 8pm before I asked for an epidural.
And at about 10pm Koda Denise Scott was born. Weighing 6lbs 6oz and 19 ½ inches long.

Lets thank Alicia for sharing her stories...

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Tightening of Baby Belly

The first time I experienced tightening in my abdominal area I thought the worst and that something might be wrong and I was cramping. I called the doctor and he said that it was normal and this was due to my ligaments stretching as my uterus began to expand. If I remember the doctor referred to it as round ligament pain. Later in my pregnancy I had a lot abdominal pain mainly because of the horrible gas I was having which wasn’t fun at all.

Near the end of my pregnancy I did experience Braxton Hicks contractions which is another major factor to tightening and feeling like your belly is hard.

Really only thing I can say on this is that it’s normal to feel tightening in the abdominal area but if you feel like it might be something more serious consult your doctor


I didn't feel much tightening in my baby belly till around 35-36 weeks pregnant. I too thought there was something extremely wrong. It got to the point where I could hardly move and hardly walk. Dean & I went to the hospital only for them to completely avoid telling me what was wrong and had me hooked up to the monitor for 2.5hrs.

When I went to visit my OGBYN not to long after my visit I explained the pains I was having. He could see the concerned look on my face. I was relieved to find out that the tightening and pain I was experiencing was only my baby girl lowering her head into my pelvis getting ready to be born. He explained that the pain was because you have two bones on each side of your pelvis, once a baby is engaging, those bones get pressure put on them because of the babies head and start to slowly move apart.

I was relieved when he told me and once she was fully engaged, or at least to my knowledge, the pain went away and I had a very low dropped belly


I was told early on that your belly stays small during your first pregnancy and it takes much longer to show you're pregnant. Wrong! My belly began to stretch and grow super fast. Toward the end of my first trimester, I could feel how tight it was getting. The skin would feel tight and itch, the belly itself would be so hard. I honestly felt like I could feel the muscles themselves stretching!

I had a great deal of odd little pains, cramps, and aches. Sometimes I would feel a sharp stabbing pain, then it would shift to a dull ache all over. I spent days on the internet researching and told myself "it's just round ligament pain." I was having such odd sensations that I did bring it up to my OB/GYN and she was not concerned in the slightest and said it's normal!

6 months later and I can still feel so much stretching and adjusting from my lower pelvis right up to my ribs.  I've noticed now that the yoga I've been doing and the extra little stretches when I'm uncomfortable accompanied with lots of water has helped tremendously. My belly still fluctuates between being super round and hard and tight to a little more relaxed and soft to the touch.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Skye’s Birth Story

Wednesday 24th January, 12noon - I pass the first bit of plug. And I continue to lose more plug that day & all day Thursday 25th January too. Wednesday night I have only 2hrs sleep due to suffering from RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). Thursday 25th I go to my pressure point Massage at Body Repair and my Hypnotherapy at @phoenixhypno . I have several contractions during my visits, but not intense. Then I go to my sister-in-laws to do one last quick photoshoot, where I pass my show in the middle of taking photos LOL. And I spend the rest of the day glued to my couch with my legs together trying not to bring on contractions because I wanted to go out to celebrate my nieces 18th Birthday that night. I made it to her Birthday Dinner where I kept track & timed my contractions using a phone app all night approx 6-9mins apart. We leave to go home around 9pm. I go home & wash my hair. Still having mild contractions regularly. I go to bed and sleep for approx 2hrs. Friday 26th around 3am I tell my hubby I'm now having to stand up during contractions & I think it's time we should go to hospital. We arrive approx 4am, my contractions 6mins apart & 5cm dilated. I enjoyed watching the sunrise from my birth suite windows. The sky was so blue and the clouds so pink. At 6:07am I finally had my first intense contraction and they were starting to get closer & closer together. At 7:20am contractions began to be approx 2mins apart until our baby girl entered the world at 9:29am. I was in pushing stage for 20-30mins, which is the longest I've ever had to push for in any of my births. But from the first moment she crowned to the moment she was born it was very quick! I was so relieved when the midwives told me I didn't require any stitches. I'm so proud of myself & I feel very lucky for experiencing my 4th childbirth naturally & drug free. And for someone who has the worst pain threshold ever, if I can cope with childbirth I feel like anyone can do it.

For tips and advice please check out @skye_knifey page on instagram 

Lets thank her for sharing her wonderful story

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Has the Bathroom Become My Friend?

I think this almost becomes like your second home when your pregnant. First off you will probably spend time in the bathroom throwing up a lot during morning sickness if your anything like I was. I had horrible morning sickness for about five months.

When I was pregnant it seemed like I could sneeze and pee. I think I used that bathroom 5-6 times on  good day lol. And at least once a day or more it was a number two also. During my pregnancy some foods would upset my stomach causing me to spend even more time in the bathroom.

All I can say is during your pregnancy your bathroom will become your best friend and second home  cause you will spend a lot of time in it.


Once she dropped that was it. I was a done for. Every hour to half hour I would catch myself saying "I have to pee". Sleeping, nope! What is sleep when you're so close to the due date? I would last till around midnight every night and than go to the washroom, pee, wash my hands, drink some water and go back to sleep. Only to repeat those exact steps between every hour or if I was lucky every two hours.

The washroom most definitely became my friend, and that being so, I made my bathroom cute and nice to spend time in. I have plants and candles in there that smell like hot buttered rum, oh that makes everyone's taste buds go.


Oh, the porcelain throne! I am very well acquainted with the bathroom these days. My first trimester was rough; I was so miserably nauseous but never once threw up. It taunted me for months, I wanted to get sick in hopes I would feel better but it never happened. I would run to the bathroom but never found relief. The weekend I hit the second trimester it all changed; no more nausea! But hello bladder problems! It definitely gets worse every single day. I live in fear of having to sneeze or cough at work, what if I pee on myself?

Currently, I am only waking up one time in the night to use the restroom and I am treasuring this. I seem to go more during the day at work. It's hard at work though, I work in a facility where all doors are kept locked and I have to fight the key and lock every two hours to get in. My biggest struggle though is sneezing and coughing and then having to change my undies. Pregnancy struggles!


I. Pee. All. The. Time...... Enough said that yes it is my best friend. I drink a lot of liquids, I have to pee. I drink minimal liquids, I have to pee. There is no winning. My first trimester wasn't bad at all, didn't go out of my normal bathroom patterns, but a few weeks into my second trimester, it's like a switch had been flipped on. I am going at least once an hour and at least twice a night. You do start to get used to it though so not to worry if any of you starting to find concern.

What I will warn all you expecting mothers who are still early in their pregnancy and haven't ran into this issue yet, do not, I repeat, do not sneeze without your legs tightly crossed. YOU WILL PEE YOUR PANTS. At first, I thought it was kinda funny, laughing it off as I went to go change my panties. It's only a little pee right? Maybe at first, yes, but the further along you go, it becomes more and more. Currently, I find myself normally having to make full waist down outfit changes because my bladder doesn't leak anymore, it lets it all go. There is no stopping once it starts.

Best word of advice for all of ya'll out there, go stock up on cheap comfy pants and loads of underwear and prepare for increasing the amount of times you wash your clothes.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Gabi's Birth Story

As I sit here typing with one hand and the other cradling my 6 day old, I can’t help getting very emotional over our birth story. It’s not any more special than any other moms story, but it is our own story, which I want to share with you. Before I start, I want to give you a bit of background on my previous delivery. It was a speedy 2 hour or so labor, where I ended up with an extremely painful episiotomy due to my body not catching up quick enough for my child's entry into the world. It was very traumatic and something I wished I would never have to endure again. During this second pregnancy, I did everything I could to avoid another trauma. I spent a lot of time finding the right doctor and the right midwife who understood my want to avoid any further traumas and who guided me and taught me what I needed to do to have as straight forward delivery as possible. 

Due to my first labor and delivery being so quick, we were sure that this second one was going to be pretty speedy as well. Everyone helping and working with us knew to have their running shoes at the ready for the moment we said, “baby is coming”. And everyone was ready. 

I had been having on and off again Braxton Hicks for a few days before my baby girl arrived. I was pretty sure that over the Easter weekend she would come, so we laid low for a few days, just waiting. There were moments when the contractions got pretty strong and I announced to everyone that I thought that baby was coming. However, as soon as I said that, the contractions just stopped. It was tiring, going on like this for 4 days. By Tuesday morning I had pretty much given up just hanging around at home, waiting and wishing for it all to just start. All weekend it felt like a big tease. I had spent Tuesday morning in the playground with my daughter. I sat on the swings with her enjoying the early spring day and the sounds of the birds. I even sat on the round about with her and we spun for 20 minutes just laughing and having fun. We cooked lunch together and during her nap time I just watched TV  and did a bit of laundry. In the afternoon I considered taking her to the park to go on her scooter but she said she wanted to watch a movie instead. 

Anyways, evening came around and we ate and had a bit of fun before bed time. At 8:45pm I was sitting  on the couch talking with my sisters when suddenly I had a very big contraction. My first thought was great here we go again, another false alarm. I went to the toilet and realized something wasn’t right, either my waters were breaking or something was really wrong due to the amount of watery blood. I told my husband to call the midwife and she said to come to the hospital immediately. For my husband this meant to run to the car right that second and I had to remind him we had a sleeping toddler upstairs and we couldn’t leave until he had called our friend to come over to look after our daughter. He was running around like a headless chicken, not really doing anything special, just moving about and asking if I had packed all his things for him. I managed to carry my own bags down from the bedroom to the kitchen to find him taking his blood pressure. I honestly couldn’t do much but laugh.

I still wasn’t convinced I was in labor once I had reached the hospital, by now it was 9:30pm. I still wasn’t having regular consistent contractions but my waters were definitely leaking slowly and I was only 2cm dilated. My midwife wanted to hook my up to the monitors to check my contractions and baby's heartbeat. Before we even had time to sit on the bed my contractions started, but this time I knew it was time. We went to the delivery suite where I changed and was ready. 

During a rapid labor women don’t have enough time to adjust to the contractions and the pain goes from 0-100 in a matter of minutes and there’s no time to give drugs at this point. I was mentally prepared for this this time and knew that no matter what I did, fighting against the pain was not an option. I needed to embrace the pain and continue to breathe and repeat my affirmations. 
After 45 minutes the contractions just turned into one long contraction, the pain was relentless
, radiating all around my back to my front. I was concentrating so hard to stay as calm as possible, but then I heard the monitor and turned to look at it and I couldn’t see the baby’s heartbeat. Being in so much pain didn’t matter at that point all I said was, “where is the heartbeat?”After about a minute the heartbeat popped up nice and strong. Baby girl had moved and the monitor couldn’t pick up on her heartbeat. It was around this time I felt the urge to push. 

It was during the pushing stage where I started to feel the contractions again, weirdly this is easier than the first stage. You know the end is near and this is when you can start to take control over your body and do something. Push. The midwife started to prepare for baby’s arrival and had to get the on call doctor to come into the room (standard protocol where I live although I had forgotten this and thought something was wrong but really there wasn’t). 30 minutes of pushing and baby still hadn’t appeared. I was tired by now, it was 11:15pm at night and I remember saying to my husband, its passed my bedtime, I’m too tired. Probably trying to justify why we hadn’t had the baby yet. 
The midwife asked my husband if it was alright if the doctor were to help me by gently pressing on my belly. He agreed, but I said no wait is that going to hurt? They said no, no its just a gentle push during your contraction to help keep the baby from popping back up, which she had been doing. Ok just once, I replied. In my head I thought that this literally meant ok one more push and baby was going to slide nicely out and it was all over. No, it was literally just to get half her head out. I still needed to work. I had to hold back from pushing again for a little while until the next contraction, which is complete agony as you sit spread eagled with half a head between your legs, but I did it, with the midwife reminding my husband not to say much to me during this time because he would never understand or feel what I was feeling right now. With 2 more pushes she was out. It took her a few seconds to start breathing and once she did she was given to me. And that was it, 90 minutes from the first real contraction to her being placed on my tummy. 

No tears, no cuts, no stitches, I had done it. I had listened, I had practiced, I had prepared in every way to make this as trauma free as possible and I had done it. I don’t consider the doctor helping me as any kind of defeat, it was perfect, he knew what to do and knew it wasn’t going to harm any of us, even if it did hurt more than a gentle push should. Lexi Mira, came into this world peacefully on April 3rd 2018 weighing 3200g and 53cm. If every delivery were like that I would do this 100 times over. It was absolutely perfect, I had full trust in my midwife and in my body’s ability to do this without pain relief and without any cuts.  

Monday, April 9, 2018

Xena's Birth Story

At 37 weeks and 3 days, I was ready to meet my sweet daughter. Did I know it would be soon? Absolutely not.

It was the early AM hours of April 5th 2018. I had woken up with the need to use the washroom, just like I would any other night. While sitting on the toilet I noticed that my pajama bottoms were oddly on the wet side. I thought perhaps I wet myself, as many pregnant woman sometimes do. I leaned in to smell it and it was odorless. Still convinced it was urine, I took my pajama bottoms off, grabbed a new pair and went back to sleep. An hour or so later I wake up to use the washroom again only to find that my new pajama pants were soaked as well. Still thinking it was pee I ignored it, grabbed yet another pair and went to sleep. This same process went on one more time, It than became 7AM when I woke up for the morning, saw I was wet, put panty liner on and underwear, then proceeded on with my morning. 

I began to feel a little worried that the wetness was me leaking amniotic fluid, but was unsure because I didn’t feel the “gush” that mother’s tell you you feel when your water breaks. I called the maternity ward at my local hospital, explained what was happening and they suggested I come down and get it checked out because I was early term* and to bring my hospital bag just in case. (A small fun fact, I had just packed my hospital bag the day before and got her carseat ready) I then got off the phone with them and headed down.

While waiting during my Fetal Heartbeat Monitoring in the maternity ward, I had called Dean while he was at work and let him know where I was and to stay by his phone just in case. They swabbed my panty liner and got an inconclusive result to amniotic fluid. The doctor who was on-call came in, examined me, did an internal swab, and came back with a faint positive to a more sensitive test. At 12PM I was admitted into the hospital. Called Dean and said one word, “Come”. He jumped in the car within a few minutes and started driving.

Because I didn’t feel a gush sensation, they applied a gel inside my cervix to help speed up the process. Baby was being monitored and contractions were irregular. Mine and baby's blood pressures were also a little on the high side. When about 6hr of being admitted (6PM) I had finally felt this gush and had to jump out of the bed because I could feel liquid running out of me. My water had finally broken. The leaking would not stop! Contractions started but weren’t very strong.

Dean had finally arrived at the hospital around 8:30PM. He was coming from working on site 8hrs out of town. He had stopped at home, showered, grabbed us dinner and then came. I told him to not rush because baby was making slow progress. 

During the time of waiting for Dean’s arrival, I was checked for my dilation and it was making slow progression. They gave me oxytocin** to help induce my labour because by 9PM, I had been leaking fluid for about 21hrs, and they didn’t want me to have a dry birth so wanted to speed things up. My dilation was checked again around 11PM and I was still 1CM. I was starting to experience very bad contractions and told them I wanted to receive the epidural. 

I never thought that it would be that painful to receive it. I had screamed out and was full on crying in pain leaning on my nurse as a surgical doctor was doing the procedure. Within a half hour it kicked in and I had no more pains. Would I recommend an epidural? Yes I most definitely would. But brace yourself for a painful experience.  

My dilation was checked again at 12AM by my nurse. She made an interesting face, looked at me, and said “I might be wrong, but I feel her labia (outter lips of the vagina), I’m going to get an ultrasound done, she may be breached” I looked at Dean with a bit of worry in my eyes. She comes back in, looks around my whole belly for about 10mins. Tells me she’s going to get another opinion. Her and another nurse come back, they look at the screen. Look at one another, than tell me “I'm sorry that we didn’t find this out sooner, but she’s breached”. My heart dropped. 

The on-call doctor comes back in and apologizes for not catching it sooner. Explains that “sometimes the baby’s bum can feel like a head”. He then proceeds to tell me that “because she is breached, and you’ve been leaking fluid for almost 24hrs, you are going to have to have a cesarean.” I explained that I understood why they had to do the cesarean because we were both at risk of getting an infection. Once the doctors left the room I broke down crying. Dean was holding my hand telling me it was going to be okay. At 1:30AM, I called my mother and told her what was going to happen. Sobbing on the phone. Told her I loved her. Than I called my father, waking him up but he didn’t care, sobbing again. 

At 7AM, the day of April 6th, they prepared me for the surgery. Dean got dressed in a surgical gown to be beside me while the operation happens. We become separated because they needed to prepare me without him there and then were going to bring him in. A couple minutes pass by, they up my epidural dose to make me numb so I don’t feel the surgery. They poke at my belly and I can feel it. They wait longer, poke harder and it feels worse. They give me oxygen, than a few minutes later tell me I’m being put to sleep in 15 seconds. I had no time to think. I was crying as I went going under. Apparently a nurse ran out to where Dean was and told him “You’re not allowed in, there was an emergency, Xena is going under”.

Aurora was born at 8:04AM

Three hours later I wake up from what felt like just a normal sleep. They bring me to a recovery room where we ended up staying for 3 days, which is normal for a mother who’s just gone through a cesarean. They wheel me in, still out of it, and than I hear a little cry out. A nurse says, “she knows you’re here”. I start to cry. Call out for Dean, he comes around the corner and we both get teary eyed. They pass me my daughter for the first time. So precious. Soft. Perfection. She was a healthy 7lbs 1oz.

On the last day of our stay they ran a test to find out if she was jaundice***. Just a normal routine they do on baby’s who were born c-section at my hospital, as well as after a few weeks for mothers who give birth naturally. The results came in and she was right on the borderline of having it. They then proceed to treat here under UV lights which is also completely normal for them to do. 

We are happily home and recovery amazingly. I was blessed to have such amazing nurses and am grateful that the doctors made the choices they made for me and my baby to both be alive, healthy, and happy.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Introducing Katie :)

After a few days of looking and interviewing potential candidates, we have found a new mom who will be joining our team. Her name is Katie, and we are so excited to have her joining our team of bloggers. We can’t wait for you ladies to follow her journey through life and pregnancy. Let’s welcome her ladies!!!

“I am so blessed and excited to be a part of this team. This is my first pregnancy and I am wanting to cherish this time and really share my experience. I am learning from other mommies as I go and I’m looking to help others. What an amazing and incredible gift we as women get to share and experience.” -K

Friday, April 6, 2018

Remembering How Blessed I Am

So I was walking by my sons roommate tonight and I could hear him snoring (which is adorable for being only two). I walked in to take a look and he was laying like half way off his bed, but was still snoring away as he must have warn himself out today at the park. Although he did bump his head today on the slide he seemed to have fun. He was drooling  little but I didn’t care. These are the kind of moments in life that remind me of how blessed I am. The fact that I healthy pregnancy and an amazing home birth. The fact that the female body is amazing in that it can carry life. The fact that I am have amazing little boy in my life forever who will call me mommy.

Ladies when you have a child, we should cherish every moment and think of how blessed we are to have them in our life!


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Sleepless Nights

Lets me just start off by saying a child will change your life especially your nightly routines. So while your able to sleep at night enjoy it, cause it isn't gonna last lol :)

My sleepless nights began when I was pregnant a few months before my son even arrived. With that bump I had I could never get comfy at nights. I tried numerous ways of laying, but nothing worked. I tried body pillows for hugging or propping up the belly and all that did was make me sweat even more. I did tend to sweat alot at night which didn't help at all cause was always kicking off covers and then would get cold, so covers back on. Its like the pregnancy was regulating my body temperature.

The biggest thing that contributed to sleepless nights is something I think most moms to be can relate to. PEEING 24/7!! I think my son hugged my bladder all night cause about month 7 on I would have to get up at least 3-4 times a night to pee. Talk about not being able to sleep. I would finally get to sleep and in like an hour feel the urge and have to get up to use the bathroom. I mean come on little little you already wear momma out enough at least let mommy sleep lol.

Another major factor that contributed to my sleepless nights was nightmares and wild dreams. I'm not sure if was the hormones or just the fact of being so exhausted, but sometimes I would wake up for no reason. I would be screaming or talking as if something was so real. My boyfriend would have to calm me down and tell me it was just a dream, and that everything was ok.

All I can tell you ladies is prepare yourself for sleepless nights no matter whether your pregnant or a new mom. They are going to happen whether you like it or not


I am only 14 weeks into my pregnancy and I have already grown accustomed to the sleepless nights and I know they aren't going to get easier for the rest of pregnancy or even after I give birth.

I have officially been getting up to pee at least once a night (yipee...!) but as little of excitement that is now, I know I am going to be grateful that I am used to at least getting up in the middle of the night for when the baby comes and we use a lot of our sleep anyway.


Ah sleepless nights. Something I already knew all to well before becoming pregnant. I have a smaller bladder and used to already wake up 2/3 times a night. Once I started to show more and feel her kick, the feeling of peeing even more often during the day and night became all to real.

Being already a few days away from my due date the washroom has now become my second home. The need to pee has already disrupted my last few days of sleep by waking me up ever 1 1/2-2hrs. During the day it settles down to around maybe 2-3hrs in-between one another.

I am the same as E in the factor of also waking up to nightmares and crazy vivid dreams.

No one tells you much, but what I'v realized becoming pregnant, the bladder is almost no longer there and the dreams get quite, intense sometimes. Be prepared for sometimes waking up and not knowing if it's still a dream or if you're back in reality. And sometimes they get extremely sexually intense too.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Belly Piercings

I myself have a few piercings. 8 in my ears, one nose, and one belly button. I can't wait till I can get a few more in my ears and maybe a few in some risky area's. But as for the belly button piercing I am in such a loving relationship with it.

Before becoming pregnant I had a decent body, and loved when summer came to wear bathing suits and change my piercing to cute dangled ones. Gave me a little push on body pride. I never thought much about what I'd do with it once I become pregnant but now, I'm here today, at 36 weeks and still have my piercing in.

I had upgraded to an extended piece of jewelry since I knew my belly was going to grow at about 25-30 weeks pregnant. I have a fear of it closing up and don't really want to go through the whole piercing process again. It wasn't a horrible experience, just would rather not. Now that my belly is much bigger, making the choice to switch it out was a relief.

Before I did the switch, i knew it was time to get a more relaxing jewelry in. The top hole was starting to get a little on the red side. I believe it was from my skin now stretching and my jewelry not being the right size anymore.

I do recommend looking into getting an extended piece if you have become pregnant because it most definitely is more satisfying to have the relaxation on the actual piercing hole than keep a tight smaller one in.

Emma Dufficy from Baby Center UK also recommends switching to a plastic barbell. With "these flexible bars [they] can bend as your belly expands and you can also wear them during ultrasound scans"*

If you do decided to take out your piercing, I also recommend that you push your jewelry threw your piercing everyday so it doesn't close

So if you're considering getting a belly button piercing and may wonder what to do once you become pregnant, you have no need to worry because there is alternatives you can do once the belly grows


Monday, April 2, 2018

Whitney's Birth Story

My birth story actually started a couple weeks before delivering Jackson via c-section on February 20th.  I noticed some intense itching all over my body that could not be helped with any amount of scratching, moisturizer, special body wash, cold compresses, or even Benadryl (although this was the only thing that helped me get drowsy enough to sleep through the itching).

A little more backstory: While pregnant I had randomly stumbled upon an article on Facebook about a woman in England who had a stillbirth due to something called cholestasis of pregnancy and the main symptom she had was intense itching.  Automatically my mom brain went into overdrive and at my 36 week appointment I mentioned the itching to my OB/GYN.  She didn’t think I had anything to worry about because the itching was not intense all the time (I told her that it was unbearable at night but okay during the daytime hours).  That night I did not sleep due to how itchy I was.  The next morning I was in tears due to lack of sleep and I FELT that something was wrong.  I called my OB/GYN and asked that they put in an order for a liver panel and bile acid test.  On my 31st birthday, February 12th, the OB called me around 7:00 p.m. and let me know that my labs had come back and both my liver panel and bile acids were elevated-meaning that I had cholestasis of pregnancy.  This meant that going beyond 37 weeks of pregnancy put my baby at risk of stillbirth by a significant amount.  The doctor told me to call the hospital first thing in the morning to make an appointment for an ultrasound, non-stress test and to see a neonatologist.

The next day I went to the hospital first thing and was happy to get the news after my ultrasound and non stress test that baby was healthy as could be and measuring 6.5 lbs.  However, baby was breech in the ultrasound.  The neonatologist told me that I would have to be induced on the day that I turned 37 weeks pregnant (21 days before my actual due date of March 13th).

The next week was a total whirlwind getting ready for baby and also coming to terms with the fact that I was more likely than not going to have to have a c-section if baby did not flip.  Although my doctor mentioned that they could try to turn the baby on the day I went into the hospital to deliver through something called “version,” my hubby and I ultimately decided that the baby was most likely in that position for a reason and I felt more comfortable having a scheduled c-section rather than an emergency c-section if the version went badly and the baby went into distress.  That week I also had two additional non-stress tests to make sure baby was okay as well as a series of two steroid injections to ensure baby’s lungs were developed as possible due to him being born several weeks before his due date.  Side Note: The steroid injections were NOT pleasant and were given in my behind-OUCH!

The days before going in for my delivery were really stressful and I don’t think I have ever been more anxious in my entire life (as much as I tried to stay calm and not freak out).  I think hubby was also stressed out as well (we were not mentally prepared to have baby come so early!)  I was really scared about having a c-section, especially considering the only surgery I had ever had in my life was when I was a baby and were just getting ear tubes put in.  This was MAJOR surgery I was about to undergo and I couldn’t help but be worried about all the “what ifs” and unknowns.  I did take solace in the fact that my favorite doctor in the OB practice was going to be oncall on February 20th and would be performing the c-section.  That week was filled with getting things done at work to get everything set for when I would go on maternity leave, some self care, and as much time as possible with my husband since it would be our last week as a family of 2 plus three kitties.  On the Monday night before going in for delivery, hubby and I went out for sushi and we just enjoyed each other’s company.  That night I took a Benadryl for the itching and fortunately was able to get a good night’s sleep before Tuesday, February 20th (my set delivery date!)

On February 20th, I was set to go into the hospital at 10 a.m. I still wasn’t sure what was going to happen since I was going to get one more ultrasound to see if baby had flipped.  He was ultimately going to decide if I was going to be induced or have a scheduled c-section.  I was able to take a long shower and get myself together before going to the hospital.  I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything in case I had to have a c-section if baby was still breech AND I obviously had never been so thirsty in my life (all I wanted was a seltzer).  Around 9:30 the car was all packed and hubby and I headed to the hospital (which is only a 5 minute drive).  I felt surprisingly calm and ready for whatever would happen and ready to meet our baby boy.

Hubby and I got to the hospital and made our way to the labor and delivery floor where we buzzed in.  We were greeted by a nurse, brought to a delivery room, and told to get into my hospital gown and started on an IV for hydration.  This is when I started to get nervous again.  I tried to just focus on the positive and I think I asked my husband 10 times if he was okay to take my mind off of being so freaked out.  After getting my IV and going through some preliminary questions and getting my vitals checked out by the nurse, my doctor came in with a portable ultrasound to see if the baby was still breech.  It didn’t take long for her to say “yup, thats the top of the head” when she was at the top of my belly.  Baby had not flipped and I was going to have a c-section.  I took a deep breath was smiled at my husband.  “Here we go,” I thought to myself.

The next 30-45 minutes before going in for my c-section are kinda a blur to me.  I think I just had so much adrenaline going through my body that the details aren’t too vivid.  I remember holding my hubby’s hands, and trying to hold back tears.  Hubby got into his scrubs and I remember getting even more nervous that this was happening SO soon.  A lot of questions went through my mind: Am I really ready to be a mom? What if something happens to me?  Will I be a good mom?  Will baby be healthy?  How will my husband react in the operating room?  What will the operation be like? Will I feel anything?  And when can I get a freaking drink around here?!?

It was finally time to go into the operating room.  The labor and delivery floor at the hospital had their own operating room, so my husband and I walked down the hall to the operating area.  As soon as I went through the double doors, it got a lot colder and I instantly started to shiver (I don’t know if I was actually cold or just REALLY scared, nervous and excited).  My husband would stay outside the operating room while I got my spinal tap and then join me once they were ready to begin the operation.  I was holding my husband’s hand so tight when the nurse said, “OK, this is where you kiss and say goodbye for now.”  I looked at my husband with tears in my eyes and gave him a kiss.  “I love you boo,” I said and tried to walk as confidently as possible into the operating room.

My OB and her team were waiting in the operating room.  They had me kneel on a metal step next to the operating table and lean forward, making an arch with my back so the anesthesiologist could do the spinal tap.  My OB held me forward while the anesthesiologist did the spinal tap.  The spinal tap was definitely the least pleasant part of the entire c-section.  It seemed like it took forever for him to find the exact right spot to put the needles and I felt intense pressure on the lower part of my back.  I tried to breathe through the discomfort and my OB tried to take my mind off the pain by asking me questions (mind you she was holding my body down and we were head to head).  I was grateful to have a doctor that was so maternal and was very comforting when the spinal tap was happening cause it was NOT fun.  I finally started to feel tingling/a warm sensation move down one of legs and then the next.  The spinal tap was finally done!  The operating team and my OB quickly moved me onto my back onto the operating table before my lower body completely went numb.

They put up the drape and I waited patiently for my husband to arrive at my side.  Finally I saw my hubby at my side and he started to stroke my head, since we couldn’t hold hands because of all the IVs I was attached too.  I couldn’t feel anything as they started the c-section other than some pressure.  My OB kept me up to date the entire time during the operation as to what was happening.  Ten or fifteen minutes into the operation, my OB said “you’ll feel a bunch of pressure right now.”  I can only assume that was when they were pulling Jackson out.  It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world and my hubby could tell I was uncomfortable and was talking to me to take my mind off of the discomfort.

And then all of a sudden….cries.  My husband and I looked at each other and I started completely bawling.  He was here!!  The doctor said “look at all that hair!!” My hubby was told that he could go and see Jackson while they examined him.  It felt like forever before my husband brought over this little crying bundle and put him next to my face.  “Hi Bud.” I said.  He was more perfect and cute than I could have ever imagined. My husband and I just looked at each other in awe of this little thing that was OURS. It wasn’t the birth I might have imagined but it was just as amazing. And just like that, everything was forever different + better. πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’™

Lets thank Whitney for sharing her amazing story ladies..

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