Monday, April 2, 2018

Whitney's Birth Story

My birth story actually started a couple weeks before delivering Jackson via c-section on February 20th.  I noticed some intense itching all over my body that could not be helped with any amount of scratching, moisturizer, special body wash, cold compresses, or even Benadryl (although this was the only thing that helped me get drowsy enough to sleep through the itching).

A little more backstory: While pregnant I had randomly stumbled upon an article on Facebook about a woman in England who had a stillbirth due to something called cholestasis of pregnancy and the main symptom she had was intense itching.  Automatically my mom brain went into overdrive and at my 36 week appointment I mentioned the itching to my OB/GYN.  She didn’t think I had anything to worry about because the itching was not intense all the time (I told her that it was unbearable at night but okay during the daytime hours).  That night I did not sleep due to how itchy I was.  The next morning I was in tears due to lack of sleep and I FELT that something was wrong.  I called my OB/GYN and asked that they put in an order for a liver panel and bile acid test.  On my 31st birthday, February 12th, the OB called me around 7:00 p.m. and let me know that my labs had come back and both my liver panel and bile acids were elevated-meaning that I had cholestasis of pregnancy.  This meant that going beyond 37 weeks of pregnancy put my baby at risk of stillbirth by a significant amount.  The doctor told me to call the hospital first thing in the morning to make an appointment for an ultrasound, non-stress test and to see a neonatologist.

The next day I went to the hospital first thing and was happy to get the news after my ultrasound and non stress test that baby was healthy as could be and measuring 6.5 lbs.  However, baby was breech in the ultrasound.  The neonatologist told me that I would have to be induced on the day that I turned 37 weeks pregnant (21 days before my actual due date of March 13th).

The next week was a total whirlwind getting ready for baby and also coming to terms with the fact that I was more likely than not going to have to have a c-section if baby did not flip.  Although my doctor mentioned that they could try to turn the baby on the day I went into the hospital to deliver through something called “version,” my hubby and I ultimately decided that the baby was most likely in that position for a reason and I felt more comfortable having a scheduled c-section rather than an emergency c-section if the version went badly and the baby went into distress.  That week I also had two additional non-stress tests to make sure baby was okay as well as a series of two steroid injections to ensure baby’s lungs were developed as possible due to him being born several weeks before his due date.  Side Note: The steroid injections were NOT pleasant and were given in my behind-OUCH!

The days before going in for my delivery were really stressful and I don’t think I have ever been more anxious in my entire life (as much as I tried to stay calm and not freak out).  I think hubby was also stressed out as well (we were not mentally prepared to have baby come so early!)  I was really scared about having a c-section, especially considering the only surgery I had ever had in my life was when I was a baby and were just getting ear tubes put in.  This was MAJOR surgery I was about to undergo and I couldn’t help but be worried about all the “what ifs” and unknowns.  I did take solace in the fact that my favorite doctor in the OB practice was going to be oncall on February 20th and would be performing the c-section.  That week was filled with getting things done at work to get everything set for when I would go on maternity leave, some self care, and as much time as possible with my husband since it would be our last week as a family of 2 plus three kitties.  On the Monday night before going in for delivery, hubby and I went out for sushi and we just enjoyed each other’s company.  That night I took a Benadryl for the itching and fortunately was able to get a good night’s sleep before Tuesday, February 20th (my set delivery date!)

On February 20th, I was set to go into the hospital at 10 a.m. I still wasn’t sure what was going to happen since I was going to get one more ultrasound to see if baby had flipped.  He was ultimately going to decide if I was going to be induced or have a scheduled c-section.  I was able to take a long shower and get myself together before going to the hospital.  I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything in case I had to have a c-section if baby was still breech AND I obviously had never been so thirsty in my life (all I wanted was a seltzer).  Around 9:30 the car was all packed and hubby and I headed to the hospital (which is only a 5 minute drive).  I felt surprisingly calm and ready for whatever would happen and ready to meet our baby boy.

Hubby and I got to the hospital and made our way to the labor and delivery floor where we buzzed in.  We were greeted by a nurse, brought to a delivery room, and told to get into my hospital gown and started on an IV for hydration.  This is when I started to get nervous again.  I tried to just focus on the positive and I think I asked my husband 10 times if he was okay to take my mind off of being so freaked out.  After getting my IV and going through some preliminary questions and getting my vitals checked out by the nurse, my doctor came in with a portable ultrasound to see if the baby was still breech.  It didn’t take long for her to say “yup, thats the top of the head” when she was at the top of my belly.  Baby had not flipped and I was going to have a c-section.  I took a deep breath was smiled at my husband.  “Here we go,” I thought to myself.

The next 30-45 minutes before going in for my c-section are kinda a blur to me.  I think I just had so much adrenaline going through my body that the details aren’t too vivid.  I remember holding my hubby’s hands, and trying to hold back tears.  Hubby got into his scrubs and I remember getting even more nervous that this was happening SO soon.  A lot of questions went through my mind: Am I really ready to be a mom? What if something happens to me?  Will I be a good mom?  Will baby be healthy?  How will my husband react in the operating room?  What will the operation be like? Will I feel anything?  And when can I get a freaking drink around here?!?

It was finally time to go into the operating room.  The labor and delivery floor at the hospital had their own operating room, so my husband and I walked down the hall to the operating area.  As soon as I went through the double doors, it got a lot colder and I instantly started to shiver (I don’t know if I was actually cold or just REALLY scared, nervous and excited).  My husband would stay outside the operating room while I got my spinal tap and then join me once they were ready to begin the operation.  I was holding my husband’s hand so tight when the nurse said, “OK, this is where you kiss and say goodbye for now.”  I looked at my husband with tears in my eyes and gave him a kiss.  “I love you boo,” I said and tried to walk as confidently as possible into the operating room.

My OB and her team were waiting in the operating room.  They had me kneel on a metal step next to the operating table and lean forward, making an arch with my back so the anesthesiologist could do the spinal tap.  My OB held me forward while the anesthesiologist did the spinal tap.  The spinal tap was definitely the least pleasant part of the entire c-section.  It seemed like it took forever for him to find the exact right spot to put the needles and I felt intense pressure on the lower part of my back.  I tried to breathe through the discomfort and my OB tried to take my mind off the pain by asking me questions (mind you she was holding my body down and we were head to head).  I was grateful to have a doctor that was so maternal and was very comforting when the spinal tap was happening cause it was NOT fun.  I finally started to feel tingling/a warm sensation move down one of legs and then the next.  The spinal tap was finally done!  The operating team and my OB quickly moved me onto my back onto the operating table before my lower body completely went numb.

They put up the drape and I waited patiently for my husband to arrive at my side.  Finally I saw my hubby at my side and he started to stroke my head, since we couldn’t hold hands because of all the IVs I was attached too.  I couldn’t feel anything as they started the c-section other than some pressure.  My OB kept me up to date the entire time during the operation as to what was happening.  Ten or fifteen minutes into the operation, my OB said “you’ll feel a bunch of pressure right now.”  I can only assume that was when they were pulling Jackson out.  It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world and my hubby could tell I was uncomfortable and was talking to me to take my mind off of the discomfort.

And then all of a sudden….cries.  My husband and I looked at each other and I started completely bawling.  He was here!!  The doctor said “look at all that hair!!” My hubby was told that he could go and see Jackson while they examined him.  It felt like forever before my husband brought over this little crying bundle and put him next to my face.  “Hi Bud.” I said.  He was more perfect and cute than I could have ever imagined. My husband and I just looked at each other in awe of this little thing that was OURS. It wasn’t the birth I might have imagined but it was just as amazing. And just like that, everything was forever different + better. πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’™

Lets thank Whitney for sharing her amazing story ladies..

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