XENA - New mom at the age of 22. I was dating my boyfriend Dean for 8 months when we found out I was pregnant. It was such a nerve-wracking moment when I found out (at 3AM) and had to wait till he woke up to tell him. I had a copper IUD in and was that 0.01% that got pregnant. We are beyond blessed to have her in our lives. I just moved to Alberta, Canada mid February, but am born and raised in British Columbia. Currently a stay at home mom to my newborn. I experienced a lot while going through labor. My daughter was breech, had an unplanned c-section where they put me under, and am now experiencing her being jaundice. I hope you enjoy my bit of outlook on our topics, and can get a few good laughs or moments where you can relate. Beyond excited to see where this journey takes me

KATIE - 27 year old first time Mommy! My boyfriend and I have been together for about two years. We are crazy for one another and have been talking about marriage and babies from almost the very beginning of our relationship. We planned on waiting one more year before trying to get pregnant. We were afraid; he has toddler twins and we just wanted more time with them. But I found out I was pregnant early November 2017. I was ecstatic when I saw positive on three pregnancy tests. I fell to the floor crying, and then the nerves set in. I was genuinely afraid to tell him. I decided to use my typical humor to lighten the mood; I pulled a bun out of the pantry and put a sign on it, “Bun in the Oven” and put it in the oven. I took a jar of prego pasta sauce and covered the label to say “prego, we are” and left it in the fridge. When he came home from work he was in the shower and I was in the bathroom, we were just chatting away. Out of the blue he says, “You haven’t started your period. Do we need to take a pregnancy test?” I didn’t say a word. He ripped open the shower curtain and stared at me. I told him I was pregnant. He jumped out and held me in his arms and was so happy. This has been the most shocking, anxiety producing, heartwarming, exciting thing to ever happen. I am so beyond excited to be over halfway done with this pregnancy and embark on this journey. I am hoping to spend this time cherishing the beauty of pregnancy and the journey of becoming a mom. I cannot wait to meet our baby boy.
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