Thursday, May 3, 2018

Birth Plan

Everyone says how they hope you have a nice smooth easy delivery, but that is easier said then done. They're not the ones going through it. From the beginning of my pregnancy I had always wanted to have a home birth. I felt like it would help me, being in a safe place and surrounded by the ones I loved. I had also read that you could use your tub as a means of pain relief and relaxation and I was all for that as I am one to not deal with pain very well. I took a lamaze class during my pregnancy as well and learned some good breathing techniques and positions that were supposed to help with labor progression.

Did my plan go as I had hoped? Make sure to take a look at E's Labour Story to find out.

You really can only do so much to prepare yourself for labor, cause you really never know what to expect and how your body will handle it. All I can say to you ladies is listen to your body as it was made for this. Let it do the work and follow its lead.


To just think about going through the birthing process can be a scary thing. Many moms-to-be have different plans and I know sometimes they don't always go the way you've expected.

As some of our readers know, I recently moved to another province in Feburary, so had to figure out how everything was done here. Thank goodness we only live about a 15min drive from the hospital.

I had hope for a moderately quick labour, but that didnt go as planned. I had leaked fluid for a total of about 32hours.

I myself was planning on having a natural birth at the hospital and request an epidural once I was allowed. But sadly I had found out my baby was breached and couldn't even try natural birth. I was devastated. They had told me that I now have to go for a C-section

Even though I had an idea of what a cesarean would be like (my mother had all three children that way), I was not prepared for how mine went. Again, as some of you readers know, before they even started the operation they had to put me under because unfortunately there was an emergency and they had to put me under.

All in all, my birth plan did not go at all how I planned. And that is okay because I now have a beautiful daughter in the end. Sometimes our birth plans don't turn out the way we expect, and we need to be okay with that.


This topic is one I should really put some personal planning into. I honestly have not thought much about a birth plan or what delivery is going to be like. My mother recently asked me if I knew how many people I was allowed to bring in with me when I go into labor. She continued to talk about how much it would mean to her to see a birth. I had no clue how to answer, how do you choose who is allowed to be in the room? My next doctor's appointment is also the day I have to go register at the hospital, so I guess I will ask and go from there.

I have saved a few e-mails about birthing classes and really think this is something I should go to. I definitely need to learn more and maybe meet some other mommies to pick their brains. Only recently, has the realization set in that my due date is in July and how fast that day is going to come. I am not the type of person to be overly prepared or to ever worry about much; this is a true blessing and a curse. I find myself constantly saying "it'll turn out however it was supposed to." I would like to have a little more anxiety around birth so I can be a little more prepared before the birth of my first child.

The only certain thing I know regarding my birth plan is the fact that I will use an epidural! I have had numerous conversations with my mother who gave birth to my older brother naturally and then to me with an epidural. She didn't have anything negative to say about her natural birth but she did say, "if I had the choice, I would definitely take the epidural."

I do not have much fear about giving birth, I am a firm believer that the plan is already set and I really cannot control what is going to happen or when it is going to happen. I am definitely going to plan a birthing class to learn more and see how I can change my thinking and drill down some more logistics and a plan!


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