Saturday, March 3, 2018

Body Insecurity

When I first found out I was pregnant, I knew I would struggle with this topic. I had always been your cute skinny girl that always loved being sexy. When I found out I was pregnant, all I could think about was me being fat, huge, and a turn off to guys. I knew from stories that I heard that after you have a baby you will never have the pre-baby body ever again meaning I may never look the way I did before again and always carry baby fat. But as my pregnancy progressed and I realized that there was nothing I could do about it, I learned to embrace the changes. It did help that my boyfriend told me every day how beautiful I was and others would say how cute I was and glowing. By month 7, I was all about the changes and loved showing them off and that my body was doing something amazing

Ladies, your bodies were made to create life and don’t feel insecure about it as it’s a natural thing. This is the most beautiful time in a woman’s life and you need to learn to embrace it and after baby if you work hard, you can get a hot body back in no time!!


According to, 91% of women have at least one insecurity about their body and, out of that high percentage of women, 52% of pregnant women say they feel even more insecure than they did before and only 14% said they felt more confident while being pregnant.

I am definitely in that 52%. Even before I got preggo, I was very insecure. I have two sisters who, all growing up, could pull off the bikini swimsuit and I wouldn't even try cause I knew I looked nothing like my skinny sisters. One of them even made it her job to tell me daily that I was a "fat, disgusting, and ugly slob that would never be loved by anyone because I was so gross." That begins to take a toll on anyone let alone a thirteen year old girl who never looked in a mirror because she thought she was too fat.

When I got out of high school, I started training for obstacle races like Gladiator Assault and got into working out a lot but even with shedding pounds and feeling amazing after eating a nutritious meal, I could never see anything but my flaws in the mirror. When I started showing, I saw my stomach muscles relaxed made me look bigger rather than pregnant and it drove me insane but once I started rounding out, it helped a bit because it was more apparent I was pregnant and not just looking heavy. Eventually, I took Justin's compliments to heart and not just roll my eyes every time I looked gorgeous or sexy. Each and every one of you is beautiful even if you don't want to see it whether you're pregnant or not.

Obviously, I don't have the experience in after birth appearance than some of the other mothers so unfortunately I can't be of any help there but can update closer to then!


One thing my mother always told me about my body was that "if you have your children young, you have a better chance of bouncing back into that BC (before children) Body....Having your younger brother 2 weeks before turning 40 has its toll on my body...". I myself, had a goal time to have children, between 23-28. I'm a little earlier than 23 but that's okay. A large reason why, was to be able to get that BC Body back as if it was nothing.

I already had a few body insecurities before becoming pregnant. I'm 5'10" (177.8cm) and averaged between 150-165lbs (68kg-75kg). It was a struggle for me to even get to 150. I had the benefit of working at a gym for awhile which helped immensely to achieve that. Now almost 33 weeks pregnant I'm already above 200lbs (90kg). I know mom's that I've talked to always tell me that "it's okay that you've gained that much, it means the baby is healthy". According to most scientific studies, 'A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant' *. Of course we are not all the same, but it's hard to not see that scale and sigh.

Being in my third trimester I've embraced the factor of gaining weight, but know I will sadly struggle if I don't go back to being the weight I was before in a set timeframe. Many women struggle with weight before, during, and after having children, which is so sad to think of. If we stick to a healthy diet, understand our own individual BMI** and our BMR***, and do what's best for ourselves, getting the weight and body we desire either before or after should come to us naturally.

If you're struggling with picking what type of diet would work best for you, and need help understanding your BMI and BMR, send us an email and I'd be glad to help. We can get through this together ladies!
** (body mass index)
*** (basal metabolic rate (how many calories you'd burn doing nothing)) 


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